The students sit for several International and Benchmarks exams during the Year
MAP Test: Assess students’ attainment and Progress
Students sit for MAP tests 3 times per year (Fall, Winter and Spring) from Grade 3 to Grade 9
CAT 4: is an assessment that is designed to help students and their teachers understand how they learn and what their academic potential might be. It assesses how students think in areas that are known to make a difference to learning.
PSAT 10: a pre-SAT exam set for American High School students that prepare students for the SAT exam and this exam is given to Grade 10 students.
PISA: As part of the UAE educational vision, school takes PISA test for students who are 15 years old, and students are assessed in Math, Science and English. This year’s focus for PISA was the math.
TIMSS: TIMSS assess students in Grades 4 and 8 in Math and Science. This exam is also part of the UAE Educational vision and it is done every 4 years.
PIRLS: English Assessment for Grade 4 Students.
Advanced Placement tests (AP): with the new amendment, students in high school who want to follow the advanced or Elite track should take a number of AP Exams and pass them with a minimum score of 3.
EmSAT: the Emirates SAT test, students in Grade 12 have to take the EmSAT exams as part of the graduation requirements as well as the university requirements within UAE.
Data collected from different international and benchmarking exams is analyzed and Action plans are set based in the data.
Students are differentiated in classes based on their MAP data and the data triangulation between the internal and external exams.